Month: April 2017
20170416 South Coldwater Ridge Trail & Sediment Retention Dam
This day was cold and windy, snow still capping the ridges, the sky dim, even though the clouds were not thick. I hiked up the South Coldwater Ridge trail, parking at The Hummocks and walking to the trail head. The trail climbs up the ridgeline, with a few switchbacks to gain elevation. Mostly, though, it…
20170409 Ohanapecosh Canyon & Big Bottom
I spent a day exploring the lower reaches of Ohanapecosh Canyon at Lawiswis, then drove across the river for a very short ramble about the mouth of Stevens Canyon. Twice I was left yearning to follow the trail further. Biking down the road to the campground at Lawiswis was fun. Up again, not so much. Rambling…