Be the cryptid you wish to see in the woods
20160508 Ramble about Longmire, MRNP
Took a mellow, low-energy ramble about Longmire, exploring some close-in destinations before the hordes arrive.
20160425 Olympia Walkabout
20160507 Beacon Rock State Park
Mike and I took a day trip down to the Columbia Gorge to visit an iris farm – Mt. Pleasant Iris. The flowers were lovely, but we found ourselves with time on our hands and a bit of wanderlust. We headed further up the river to Beacon Rock State Park, and after visiting the river’s…
20160501 Mayday @ Nine Stream, ONP
May began, for me, with new gear, new camera, an excellent weather forecast, and a three day weekend. I headed to Nine Stream, about 10 miles up the North Fork Skokomish River, Olympic National Park. I only planned to go to Camp Pleasant, but after a late start, and an early arrival, decided to push…
20160321 North Fork Skokomish River, ONP
20160316 Glines Canyon Dam, ONP
20150829 Westside Oly Walkabout to Cooper Crest Park
20150720 Spray Park Loop, MRNP
20150703 St. Andrews Park, Emerald Ridge, MRNP
20150620 Pyramid Peak via Tahoma Creek Trail, MRNP