Tag: ONP
20220315-16 Birthday Soak
It’s a new year! And that requires a healing soak. I had originally planned to visit Willow Creek Hot Springs down in SE Oregon, but due to the length of drive and cost of gas, as well as a crappy weather forecast, I opted for a warmer locale to the north, weirdly enough… Port Angeles…
20170522 Dosewallips to Big Timber, ONP
I hiked up the Dosewallips Trail for an overnight at Big Timber Camp, ONP.
20160924 Sunday Lunch at Upper Duck, ONP
Hiked in to the Upper Duckabush via Home Sweet Home. Can’t remember many details about this hike, tho. Stayed the two nights at Nine Stream.
20160828 Flapjack Lakes, ONP
I start today in pain, and medicated. I suppose Sunday and Monday in the wilderness were worth a Tuesday of pain. As I hiked up the North Fork Skokomish River trail, and up to Flapjack Lakes and Gladys Divide Sunday, I struggled. I had awoken early, and got out of the house by just a…
20160501 Mayday @ Nine Stream, ONP
May began, for me, with new gear, new camera, an excellent weather forecast, and a three day weekend. I headed to Nine Stream, about 10 miles up the North Fork Skokomish River, Olympic National Park. I only planned to go to Camp Pleasant, but after a late start, and an early arrival, decided to push…
20160321 North Fork Skokomish River, ONP
20160316 Glines Canyon Dam, ONP
20140701 Black & White Lakes, ONP
Took a day hike up to Black & White Lakes, ONP. It’s a tough trail, but a lovely landscape. I don’t recommend going any further past these lakes down to Smith Lake.
20120804 Upper South Fork Skokomish River & Sundown Lake, ONF ONP
Enjoyed a lovely summer day hike up the South Fork Skokomish River Trail up to Sundown Pass, and on to Sundown Lake.
20120607 Tenas Prairie to Staircase Hike, ONF, ONP
Had myself a little transit-based x-country boondock of a hike from Lilliwaup to Staircase, via Tenas Prairie and the old State Park at Lake Cushman. This route involved a little bit of trespassing, logging road walking, and following trails official and otherwise.